Message June 16, 2020

As I said last Sunday, “All TRUTH IS FROM AND OF GOD”. But His truth is often ignored or not recognized in this very secular world of ours. In our courtrooms witnesses place one hand on the Bible, raises their right hand, and “Swears to tell truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.” Then they call on the Name of God for help in doing it. If they fail to do so, it is called perjury. This common scene tells us a lot about human nature. We must swear to tell the truth under penalty of law because we are prone to lies, half-truths, and inuendos. Perjury is a crime derived out of necessity in that man will often not tell the truth. Jack Nicholson in the movie, “A Few Good men” made famous the words, “You can’t handle the truth”.
Is that why people speak lies instead of truth? I really don’t think so. Unless one is mentally ill, all lies told are for a reason. One is to hide a sin committed; another is to get something desired; some are told to get revenge or to hurt someone. There are many reasons people tell lies and not one of them are legitimate.

There has to be TRUTH in this world somewhere. Is it in textbooks written by revisionists historians, or in books that constantly change with scientific discoveries? Is it in government and politics where we see some degree of dishonesty on a regular basis. Where is the TRUTH? We must have the TRUTH! TRUTH does indeed exist if only because lies and deception exists. Without TRUTH there would be no lies because that would be all we know. Again, where is TRUTH? The only place I personally trust for TRUTH is the BIBLE, GOD’S WORD. It states that God is TRUE and Jesus came to earth make known HIS TRUTH. Some self-proclaimed theologians may deny the Bible as TRUE. These are people who just decide without any evidence or study that they don’t believe. But I must say there are men like Blaise Pascal, Billy Graham, Bill Tolar, David Jeremiah, Ravi Zacariah, and multitudes of other men and women through the ages who stand on the TRUTH of the BIBLE. I think I will side with them rather than the old country boy who doesn’t or the atheist who is loved by God but has chosen not to accept nor believe.

TRUTH is FROM GOD. All truth is from God. Peter says in Titus 1:2 that it is impossible for God to lie.
Jesus said, “I Am the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life and no man cometh to the Father but by Me.” That statement alone divides all the saved from all the lost. If this statement of Jesus is not true, then we are in deep trouble. This statement is so profound, it MUST BE TRUE. Acts 4:12 agrees with it when the writer says, “There is none other name given among men under heaven whereby we must be saved.” When God is speaking we hear TRUTH! Wouldn’t it be refreshing if Congress and the cities of our land would stop and listen to God and come to believe the TRUTH, the WHOLE TRUTH, and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH?”